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Are You Selling Your Home? Here Are Our Top 3 Tips.

North48 Real Estate wants to help you get top dollar on your home! Read below for our top three tips.

1. Depersonalize & Declutter

When it comes to selling a home nothing is worse than a cluttered space filled with the home owners personal belongings. You want to sell the house not your home. If you are looking at selling your home consider downsizing the amount of items in your home, especially the personal ones. A quick and easy way to do this is simply by packing up the items or storing them away in a place that is out of sight. You might as well get a head start on your packing!

2. Consider Home Staging

Staging is an excellent way to show off the houses many possibilities and full potential to the new buyers. Staging can be easily done by yourself and the realtor/broker or you can hire out a Real Estate stager for a professional and clean look. Here are a few examples of what local home stager Cathie Helgeland of Bloom Home Services did to stage these spaces.

In this image Cathie worked with the home owners existing belongings to transform the space.

Here Cathie Brought in her own items and did what she calls "whisper staging"

Cathie once again transformed this space by using the home owners belongings!

3. Keep it Clean

It is crucial to keep your house clean during the selling process. Whether it be for an open house, a showing, or simply just for the listing photos, all are equally important and will help sell your home faster. Many often find it difficult to start the process, but cleaning as you go will make the job seem a lot less daunting.

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